1. How can I post ads?
Ans. Simple! Just click on the "Publish Your Ad for Free" button. Fill out the details and upload images. Fill the recaptcha. Then click 'Publish'. You are
2. Should I need to register for publishing ads?
Ans. No. You can publish with or without registration. But we say registering is better. Because unregistered users can only edit or delete their ads
only for certain period of time. A registered user can edit or delete or republish his/her ad anytime.
3. I am facing problems with uploading images to my ads. What should I do?
Ans. If you are trying to upload images from a mobile device, maybe you could face some difficulty in uploading images. Images uploads works fine
with Google Chrome, Firefox for Android and Apple Safari Mobile browsers. If you are using any other browsers like android's default internet
browser etc, we suggests you to post ads with Google chrome. And one another thing to keep in mind that after clicking the upload images
button you should select the images using a filemanager instead of selecting it using gallery. We observed some difficulty with uploading images
selected with gallery.
4. I can't edit my ads. When i tried to edit and update my ads, some error is showing like "Please enter no more than 0 characters". What now?
Ans. Don't worry. This was due to a bug. We fixed it. If it occurs again please notify us via our contact page.